The Road to Success: Solar Roadways

In a previous blog, I briefly talked about how influential solar panels have become. Today, we will take a look at the solar roadway based on the solar panel.

 A Novel Idea

What will the future look like? When we think about the future, we often think of flying cars and robot assistants, but we are not very good at thinking that roads can change. There was a technology that went viral in 2014. 2014 can be said to be old compared to now, but when it comes to technology, it can be said to be recent. It was an attempt to mount solar panels on the road. This idea received attention as a very decisive alternative to solving the global energy crisis. Solar panels mounted on the road.. What do you think?


The idea is very simple to understand. Solar panels are installed on roads to generate electricity. Panels can also serve to illuminate the road with various LED lights to replace painted lanes, and heating coils can serve to melt snow and ice. Objects that are difficult to see in the dark can be easily recognized. All of these can be done while generating electricity and further reducing the need for maintenance. So perhaps the most important question is whether this technology is actually being applied or is being studied. The answer is unfortunately negative. 


  • expensive or non cost-effective
  • non efficient energy producer
These are the two biggest reasons. In theory, it is correct to install solar panels on the road to generate sufficient energy, but this is only true when directly receiving sunlight. The biggest goal of this technology is its ability to pay for itself and give a good return on investment. However, positive cash inflow has not yet been maintained, and more extensive maintenance is required. To be specific, traditionally solar panels have been oriented towards the sun or to follow the light to maximize efficiency. However, since solar roadways are installed flat, the effect is inevitably negligible. Also, one of the advantages of this technology is that LEDs come out instead of having to repaint the lines of the road, but it is difficult to balance the use of less energy while emitting light. It is not easy to invest an astronomical cost to install on national roads with only hypotheses and estimates.

However, it is clear that this technology will become a great resource for us if it can compensate and improve the shortcomings pointed out. That's why I hope this technology emerges and I hope there will be more research. 

"Failure is not the opposite of success; it's part of success."- Arianna Huffington
