Convenience of Chatbots in Business


Chatbots have been advocating business and customer interactions for years. Chatbot services for customer support are becoming increasingly standard and many businesses are trying to install them on their websites. There is also a study result that the cost per interaction can be reduced by about $0.70 if an industry such as a bank that manages large-volume interactions is equipped with such a chatbot service.


What exactly is live chat? Live chat is a means of helping customers actually communicate back and forth with a support agent. Embedded chat software allows customers to type in a small window to quickly answer their question or request and receive a corresponding answer. Among the numerous communication channels currently overflowing, live chat occupies a very special position due to its convenience, immediacy, and personalization options. Let's take a look at the advantages of live chat.
  • Live chat is highly accessible
  • Live chat support delivers useful context
  • Live chat is timely
  • Live chat support is conversational
  1. Live chat is highly accessible because the click window or button leading to the live chat can be easily placed. Customers don't have to scour the homepage to find email IDs or contact information, so customers' cumbersome efforts can be eliminated. This removal will give customers more access to their business.
  2. Connecting directly to live chat for issues customers are experiencing gives them the best chance of explaining exactly where they are stuck and what they need. This gives both parties a head start in understanding the problem and determining the solution. 
  3. Customers may express their satisfaction in receiving long-form email responses within an hour or two, but receiving the same response through live chat can express greater satisfaction. Being able to immediately resume what the customer were doing or had problem with would be a big difference in making higher satisfaction.
  4. Surprisingly, many people are tired or afraid of counseling over the phone. It's tiring to ask for a response via email because customers have to write down every single detail of their situation that they are not well known of. Live chat support breaks those interactions into smaller chunks and allows the support agent to lead a customer through the process by asking the right questions in the right order.


Here, then, how does live chat work? A live chat widget is just a combination of some JavaScript code that can be added to your website or app in a few clicks. The code simply creates an inline frame (iframe) on your website. It is a component that allows you to embed documents, videos, interactive media, and, of course, applications within a website. Live chat is just the application you want to embed live chat works based on various scripts and API endpoints. When the front-end needs to perform some action, it sends a request to the server. And that’s where the whole back-end magic happens. An API is an application programming interface. It is a set of rules that allow programs to talk to each other. The developer creates the API on the server and allows the client to talk to it.For instance, if a user creates a chat message, the front-end sends a corresponding request to the back-end. This request is then processed by a PHP script, which does what the request asks which creates a message, sends it back to the frontend, saves it to the database, etc. 

At some point, when I buy clothes or do something, I tend to communicate through convenient live chat instead of waiting for an email or a call from an agent. I chose this topic and talked about it because I thought it was necessary to introduce and appreciate this technology, which was installed so naturally. We, who have become accustomed to convenience, seem to be living without recognizing the appreciation of current technology.

We already have – thanks to technology, development, skills, the efficiency of our work – enough resources to satisfy all human needs. But we don’t have enough resources, and we are unlikely ever to have, to satisfy human greed.”-Zygmunt Bauman
